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Friends of Irving Books

Exceptional collaborators who enrich our literary community:


C.Jay Engel Host @chroniclesmag Podcast – Visit on X


Michèle, Lady Renouf

Zoomer Historian  – Visit on X

Robert Fraser

John Fraser


Antelope Hill Publishing – Preserving and translating censored and lost works. antelopehillpublishing.comVisit on X

Arbalest Editing Services – Graphic design, videos and rendering. arbalestediting.online  – Visit on Instagram

Do you feel left out? Do email [email protected] to be considered for inclusion.

1 thought on “Friends of Irving Books”

  1. Avatar of James and Elizabeth Johnson
    James and Elizabeth Johnson

    With profound thanks and sincerest affection for you personally even though we never met. The injustice and lies that you have been subjected to, and the resolve and loyalty to the TRUTH which you have continually displayed is an inspiration to many and will continue to be for future generations. Those same Governments and institutions which tried to destroy you are themselves now discredited and their despicable tactics more widely understood. God Bless you and your family and know that you are loved by millions!

    James and Elizabeth Johnson.

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