デビッド・アーヴィングの画期的な歴史書「Breach of Security」で、スパイ活動の闇の世界に飛び込んでみましょう。綿密な調査に基づいたこの本は、ナチス政権下で盗聴と暗号解読を任務としていたドイツの秘密諜報機関、Forschungsamt に光を当てています。1967 年に初めて出版されたこの説得力のある物語は、第二次世界大戦に至るまで諜報活動で重要な役割を果たした機関について詳細に解説した数少ない本の 1 つです。
“Breach of Security” unveils the clandestine operations of the Forschungsamt, an organization that remained largely unknown to Allied intelligence during WWII. Irving navigates through the remnants of a past shrouded in secrecy, piecing together the agency’s comprehensive reports on international and domestic political and economic affairs. With its headquarters destroyed and records obliterated in the dying days of the war, the Forschungsamt’s story was nearly lost to history until Irving’s meticulous research brought it back to the surface.
Employing over three thousand individuals and operating on a budget of twenty-five million Reichsmarks, the Forschungsamt’s “passive” intelligence gathering illuminated the dark corridors of power and war. From tapping German telephones to breaking diplomatic codes, this book chronicles the extensive reach of the agency’s ears, from public broadcasts to the most confidential communications.
“David Irving, a remarkable researcher, a brilliant discoverer of documents and a skilful writer, tells the story well . . . He has mastered his material . . . Very readable.” Prof. Hugh Trevor-Roper, in The Sunday Telegraph
First published: 1967
217 pages, and photographs