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デイヴィッド・アーヴィングの待望の「チャーチルの戦争」シリーズの完結編「引き裂かれた夢」が、特別価格で予約注文できるようになりました。この最終巻は、30 年以上にわたる綿密な調査の集大成であり、アメリカ人の血を引くイギリス首相、ウィンストン・チャーチルの波乱に満ちた在任期間を掘り下げています。チャーチルの物議を醸した決断、大臣たちとの不安定な関係、第二次世界大戦中の物議を醸した行動に光を当てています。

この商品は発売されます 将来の日付.


Special Pre-Publication Offer: David Irving’s ‘Churchill’s War — Volume III: The Sundered Dream’

About the Book: デビッド・アーヴィングの long-awaited conclusion to the ‘Churchill’s War’ series, ‘The Sundered Dream’, is now available for pre-order at a special price. This final volume, a culmination of over thirty years of meticulous research, delves into the tumultuous tenure of Britain’s half-American Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. It sheds light on his contentious decisions, the uneasy relationship with his ministers, and controversial actions during WWII.

The narrative uncovers:

  • Internal conflicts over Churchill’s leadership and decisions.
  • His compliance with the United States and the concession of Britain’s significant discoveries.
  • The attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler and the ramifications of such actions.
  • Dark revelations about Churchill’s personal life and leadership, including his inherited alcoholism and the risks to the British Empire.
  • Operation Unthinkable: The 1945 plan for a British-led attack on Russia.

The book offers a unique perspective, supported by previously undisclosed diaries, including Churchill’s own, and papers from British and Allied archives.

Book Details:

  • Length: 1,000 pages, including notes and index.
  • Availability: Limited pre-publication copies.

Secure your copy of this monumental work in historical literature at a special pre-publication rate.


レビュー (1)

Exclusive Pre-Publication: Churchill’s War, Volume III: The Sundered Dream に対するレビュー1件

  1. Josephのアバター


    I will purchase “Volume III The Sundered Dream”, first I need to know that I can buy the hard cover. I did not find it mentioned specifically that it is a hard cover. Let me know. Thanking you in advance,


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


出版前: チャーチルの戦争、第 3 巻: 引き裂かれた夢独占先行出版:チャーチルの戦争、第3巻:引き裂かれた夢