
Голос триумфа: речи Гитлера в Нюрнберге

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Голос триумфа: речи Гитлера в Нюрнберге воплощает мощную риторику Адольфа Гитлера во время митингов НСДАП в Нюрнберге, отражая амбициозное изображение и трансформацию Германии режимом. Это 392-страничное издание исследует значительную эпоху через речи, которые сформировали нацию.

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Nuremberg has long been a focal point of political life in Germany, from its days as a Free Imperial City during the Holy Roman Empire, hosting critical Imperial Diets, to its iconic status within Germany’s rich political and cultural heritage. The city’s historical significance continued into the 20th century, becoming emblematic of the National Socialist regime through the annual NSDAP rallies, famously captured in Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will. This film brought the world’s attention to the grandiose displays of pageantry, the sea of red banners, and the disciplined formations of the SA.

Central to these rallies was Adolf Hitler, whose formidable oratory skills and commanding presence were pivotal during the Party Congresses held in Nuremberg from 1933 to 1938. These gatherings were not only spectacles of power but also platforms where Hitler articulated the Party’s annual goals and achievements, heralding the transformation of a beleaguered Germany into a formidable entity on the world stage.

Unfortunately, despite extensive research, the original transcripts of the 1934 Party Congress speeches remain lost, with only the excerpts in Triumph of the Will available.

Голос триумфа: речи Гитлера в Нюрнберге critically examines these powerful addresses, encapsulating a significant era in history as led by one of the most influential politicians of the twentieth century. This edition spans 392 pages.

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Вес 0.73 кг
Размеры 15 × 3 × 23 см

Адольф Гитлер


Отзывы (1)

1 отзыв на Voice of Triumph: Hitler’s Speeches at Nuremberg

  1. Аватар M Nelson

    M Nelson (проверенный владелец)

    VERY INTERESTING. Good to hear an accurate translation. Full of all kinds of period info.

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Голос триумфа: речи Гитлера в НюрнбергеГолос триумфа: речи Гитлера в Нюрнберге