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希特勒医生的秘密日记莫雷尔日记于 1945 年消失,但于 1981 年出现在美国马里兰州国立卫生研究院,后者将其转移到国家档案馆。

希特勒疯了吗?在 1941 年和 1944 年——在他国家历史的关键时刻——他患上了什么疾病?大卫·欧文发现、转录、翻译并注释了臭名昭著的西奥·莫雷尔医生(阿道夫·希特勒 1937 年至 1945 年的医生)失传已久的日记;他提供了希特勒在位期间的精彩病史。



This book tells the Real History of Adolf Hitler’s doctors, based on the remarkable secret diary of his physician, Professor Dr Theodor Morell, and other papers. The Morell Diaries vanished in 1945 but turned up in 1981 in the National Institutes of Health, Maryland, USA, which transferred them to the National Archives.

Was Hitler clinically mad? What diseases laid him low in 1941 and 1944 – at crucial moments in his nation’s history? British historian David Irving was the first to find, identify, transcribe, translate, and publish these vital records. The extraordinary diaries of Hitler’s doctor and the accompanying dossier on his “Patient A” refute many wartime legends about Germany’s wartime dictator. 291 pages

The Secret Diaries of Hitler’s Doctor has a Laminated hardcover.


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2 审查 The Secret Diaries of Hitler’s Doctor

  1. willymax@earthlink.net 的头像

    [email protected]

    This book is essentially a transcription of the treatments administered to Adolf Hitler by his doctor during the war years. How was Hitler feeling during Operation Barbarossa? Was he really in better shape, physically, than Roosevelt, Churchill, or Stalin? Was his doctor a “quack,” and did his proprietary remedies help of hurt Hitler? Get this book and read it and you will get the answers to these questions & more.

  2. James 的头像

    James (经核实的所有人)

    This book gives you a great detail into the mindset of Hitler. David takes you through the diary entries and adds brilliant context to the events surrounding key dates and times. It is quite apparent that Hitler was the author of his own destruction through his terrible living standards. Sleep deprivation, anxiety, ibs and lack of nutrition as well as spending most of his time in substandard conditions in bunkers during the war. Instead of alleviating these symptoms by listening to his doctors advise, Hitler seems to have wanted different avenues to maintain his unhealthy lifestyle through medications which were for the most part actually holistic. The fact is his body could not keep up with his brain. This book is a must read as it dispels alot of the rumors out there about Hitler. David’s writing is amazing I have to say, so easy to read. At the end of the book, you get the letters and transcripts of the diary’s themselves. All the answers to questions on Hitler’s mental state, his physical characteristics, did he have parkinsons etc…. are all answered. As for Morell, I would describe him as more of a Holistic individual more than a doctor who’s main job was to keep the wings on the fairy swordfish as it travelled at a million miles per hour. It was clear that Morell was trying to drive Hitler onto a healthier path but Hitler resisted it for the most part. A lot of what Morell did was really very experimental which is why his credentials are questioned but if you put yourself in his shoes, you can see he was driven by two factors which is to remain as the number one and secondly, Hitler’s stubbornness to maintain his unhealthy lifestyle and not listen.


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