《皇家海军语》这本引人入胜的精装书深入探究了皇家海军传统的核心,该书由皇家海军指挥官约翰·欧文精心编撰,约翰·欧文是 20 世纪早期的杰出人物,也是著名历史学家大卫·欧文的父亲。这本书为了解海军生活提供了一个独特的窗口,揭示了 1945 年后大英帝国衰落之前皇家海军水兵使用的秘密语言——即“海军语”。
这本书由贝丽尔·欧文 (Beryl Irving) 绘制,插图风格奇特,大卫·欧文的母亲既是历史文物,也是一本生动的读物。这本书生动地展现了海军生活的情谊、艰辛和独特的幽默。每个术语和表达都清晰易懂,还经常附有有趣的轶事,抓住了海洋文化的精髓。
该版本于 1946 年首次出版,并于 2020 年由伦敦 Focal Point Publications 重新出版,让读者可以探索几个世纪以来演变而来的海军俚语的细微差别,深入了解关键时期的语言和皇家海军生活。
Pages 175
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Royal Navy Commander John Irving wrote this glossary of British “Navalese,” –the words and expressions of his service in order to create a souvenir for those who served, and as a way to perhaps entice those who “have yet the privilege of membership in our band of brothers.” Published in 1946, Irving captured the language of his thirty-one years (1914-1945) career of navy life and culture that makes a profession special in its own right. Not a glossary of formal military acronyms for correspondence and use in official documents (although there are some of those acronyms in this book), this is the long standing slang of naval sailor and in some cases the other services. Irving’s presentation of each entry is straight forward with no ostentation, and many of his definition even have a humorous feel to them. At least they did to me, perhaps because there is a fine line between refined British seriousness and humor, and how I imagined the author as being the archetype career officer and British gentleman. Reading though all of them can be done in about an hour, and it is fun to run through them. Having been a US Army soldier myself for 25 year, I was surprised to see a percentage of the words and phrases were common-place slang in my service as well. I realized that common denominator of the language then must be centuries old. I recommend this to anyone wanting to become familiar with the words and expressions of the Royal Navy and its culture. A great resource for civilians as well who might work for the service, and for historians who must educate themselves on what specialized terms mean, and how words are used in this culture. The copy I have is a 2020 printing from Focal Point, and is signed personally by the Commander’s son, David Irving, the renowned WWII historian. Focal Point puts out a high quality product. Sharp in every way.