显示 29-56 个结果(共 56 个结果)



  • 图书

    Michael by Dr. Joseph Goebbels

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 12.61 添加到购物车

    Immerse yourself in the riveting narrative of ‘Michael,’ a profound novel penned by Dr. Joseph Goebbels and meticulously translated into English by Olivia Van Dorn

  • 出售! Quick View

    DVD: Victory of Faith

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    原价为:£ 23.61。当前价格为:£ 20.10。 添加到购物车

    Very rare. Ordered destroyed by Hitler, as it soon became politically incorrect (and now banned by the German government too) this is Leni Riefenstahl’s unknown film of the 1933 Nuremberg Party Rally. Region 0.

  • 电影

    DVD: They Don’t Hang War Criminals Any More… Do They?

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 19.71 添加到购物车

    David Irving speaks on Hitler, Churchill, and Iraq – war crimes of the modern world


  • 出售! Quick View

    DVD: The Search for Truth in History (English, 85 mins)

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    原价为:£ 22.81。当前价格为:£ 19.71。 添加到购物车

    David Irving speaks on


    After billionaire oligarchs bribed the Canberra Government to ban him from Australia, he entered another way – on video!

  • David Irving Books


    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 7.88 - £ 35.47 选择选项 该产品有多种变体。可在产品页面上选择

    《马巢》讲述了英国情报机构对希特勒 V 型武器的攻击。第一版必须经过国防部、内阁办公室、外交部和首相的批准。《马巢》新版包含以前删除的章节。精装本。

  • 图书

    A New Nobility of Blood and Soil by Richard W. Darré

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 15.77 添加到购物车

    A New Nobility of Blood and Soil, was massively popular in the Third Reich and strengthened the rural and agriculturalist movements. Highly influential on Hitler, the principles in this book are foundational to the National Socialist worldview.

  • 图书

    Conquering Berlin by Wilfrid Bade

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 12.61 添加到购物车

    Berlin: Capital of the Reich. During the turbulent Weimar Republic, Berlin was the political centre of Germany, dominated by leftist ideologies and often described as a stronghold of communist activity. Despite the rise of the brown-shirted SA across other parts of Germany, Berlin’s working-class districts remained largely impenetrable to them.

  • 图书

    Léon Degrelle in Exile, 1945-1994

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 18.92 添加到购物车
  • 图书

    皇家海军语:Fo'csle 语言词汇表

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 7.88 - £ 11.82 选择选项 该产品有多种变体。可在产品页面上选择

    《皇家海军语》这本引人入胜的精装书深入探究了皇家海军传统的核心,该书由皇家海军指挥官约翰·欧文精心编撰,约翰·欧文是 20 世纪早期的杰出人物,也是著名历史学家大卫·欧文的父亲。这本书为了解海军生活提供了一个独特的窗口,揭示了 1945 年后大英帝国衰落之前皇家海军水兵使用的秘密语言——即“海军语”。

    这本书由贝丽尔·欧文 (Beryl Irving) 绘制,插图风格奇特,大卫·欧文的母亲既是历史文物,也是一本生动的读物。这本书生动地展现了海军生活的情谊、艰辛和独特的幽默。每个术语和表达都清晰易懂,还经常附有有趣的轶事,抓住了海洋文化的精髓。

    该版本于 1946 年首次出版,并于 2020 年由伦敦 Focal Point Publications 重新出版,让读者可以探索几个世纪以来演变而来的海军俚语的细微差别,深入了解关键时期的语言和皇家海军生活。


  • David Irving Books


    £ 7.88 - £ 17.34 立即预订 该产品有多种变体。可在产品页面上选择

    《溃坝之夜》讲述了 1943 年 5 月英国皇家空军夜间袭击德国鲁尔水坝的英勇历史,该事件被电影永久记录下来 轰炸水坝者。作者的精彩叙述基于他对轰炸机司令部军官和英国及德国官方文件的采访,以及对巴恩斯·沃利斯(Barnes Wallis)私人文件和日记的独家访问——巴恩斯·沃利斯是英国科学家,他发明了独特的“弹跳炸弹”,炸毁了水坝。这本书读起来就像一本惊悚小说,会让所有年龄段的读者都兴奋不已。精装本。

  • 图书

    Voce del Popolo: Mussolini as Revealed in His Political Speeches

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 13.40 添加到购物车

    First published in 1923, Mussolini as Revealed in His Political Speeches was meticulously selected, translated, and edited by Baron Bernardo Quaranta di San Severino, who also provides contextual introductions for each speech. The arrangement, mostly chronological, is segmented into categories reflecting Mussolini’s focus on labour, the populace, or policy during the overlapping timelines of the post-war era.

  • David Irving Books

    护航队 PQ-17 的毁灭 (平装本)

    £ 7.88 - £ 24.44 选择选项 该产品有多种变体。可在产品页面上选择

    1942 年 6 月,38 艘英美货船启航前往俄罗斯北部。7 月 4 日,英国海军部命令护航船返航,每艘船都自生自灭。大多数船都沉没了。(大卫·欧文 1967 年对这一事件的悲惨描述导致了 1970 年的重大诽谤诉讼。)大型平装书。

  • 图书

    Die Fahne Hoch: Three Biographies of Horst Wessel

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 12.61 添加到购物车

    Die Fahne Hoch: Three Biographies of Horst Wessel offers a comprehensive look at the life and legacy of Horst Ludwig Georg Erich Wessel, a figure revered within the National Socialist movement. Born in Bielefeld in 1907, Wessel became a prominent brown-shirted Sturmabteilung (SA) member, leading his men against Communist disruptions in Berlin.

  • 电影

    Other Losses DVD

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 11.82 立即预订

    Other Losses is a story after WW2, the Allies betrayed their own civilizing values – more German people were killed by allied action after the war than died during the war. At the same time, different leaders in Canada and the USA ran a massive food relief campaign that fed the world, including their former enemies. Never had such vengeance been committed; never had such mercy been shown.

    This film, based on James Bacque’s books, Other Losses and Crimes and Mercies, uses eyewitness accounts and documentary evidence to tell the story accurately and compassionately. Produced by James Bacque and Robert Steinert. Canada, 2016,

  • 图书

    Rebel Mountain by Kurt Eggers

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 12.61 添加到购物车

    Rebel Mountain recounts the dramatic attempt by these groups to retake the mountain of Annaberg in Upper Silesia from Polish forces.

  • 图书

    真正的希姆莱 (2022) 收藏版 带书套

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 182.52 添加到购物车

    特别收藏 真正的希姆莱. 大卫·欧文 (David Irving) 对海因里希·希姆莱 (Heinrich Himmler) 的异议作品基于他独家拥有的真实信件、日记和文件,以及 20 年的研究和对希姆莱将军和私人工作人员的采访,包括对他于 1945 年 5 月 23 日被英国特别屠杀小组谋杀的分析。这本书是精装本,包含数百张来自希姆莱相册的原始黑白和彩色照片。

  • 捆绑产品

    Joseph Goebbels Bundle

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 55.18 选择选项

    Discover the fascinating world of Joseph Goebbels with our exclusive bundle! Dive into David Irving’s acclaimed biography, back in print with enhanced quality and stunning original photographs. Then, immerse yourself in ‘Michael,’ a captivating novel penned by Goebbels himself and translated into English by Olivia Van Dorn. Delve into the mind of Hitler’s propaganda mastermind through these riveting works.

  • David Irving Books

    Churchill’s War, Volume I: The Struggle for Power (Exclusive Pack)

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 9.85 - £ 67.01 选择选项 该产品有多种变体。可在产品页面上选择



  • 出售! hitler’s place in historyQuick View

    DVD: Hitler’s Place in History

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    原价为:£ 27.59。当前价格为:£ 23.45。 添加到购物车

    Two lively talks on Hitler’s Place in History by David Irving and Mark Weber, specialists in the Third Reich and World War II, at the meeting of the Institute for Historical Review in California in April 2005.

  • 电影

    DVD:Ich komme wieder(德语)

    £ 18.92 立即预订

    Professional quality film: David Irving: “Ich komme wieder” (I shall return). On January 13, 1993 the German courts fined British historian David Irving a total of thirty thousand deutschmarks, around 15,000 dollars, and a few months later he was banned from the country “in the interests of the German people.” In this ninety-minute illustrated narrative of his life and struggle, historian David Irving, vows: “I shall return.” — In German.

  • 图书

    The Rise & Fall of the LUFTWAFFE

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 10.25 - £ 46.51 选择选项 该产品有多种变体。可在产品页面上选择
  • 有声读物

    Nuremberg, the Last Battle (Audiobook)

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    原价为:£ 21.28。当前价格为:£ 18.91。 立即预订

    Nuremberg, the Last Battle is David Irving’s history of the inside story of the controversial war crimes trial of Hitler’s associates – those who survived Allied orders to shoot on site if captured –  based on the private papers and exclusive diaries of lawyers, judges, and defendants that were exclusively available to David Irving.

  • 图书

    Churchill’s War, Volume II: Triumph in Adversity – Boxed Edition

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 86.70 添加到购物车

    Churchill’s War, Volume II: Triumph in Adversity is David Irving’s standard work on the middle years of Winston Churchill and his war, based, like his work on Hitler, on documents exclusively available to him and thirty years of research and interviews and British and international archives. The second volume of Churchill’s War covers the middle years of this disastrous conflict.

    After the first volume chronicled an almost unbroken series of disasters in his life, from Gallipoli and the Chanak crisis to the defeat of France and the military fiasco in Greece, the second sees him enter happier times, with great naval victories, El Alamein and the landings in North Africa. This book is a “stand-alone” book and does not require reading the first volume to understand or appreciate the story.

    Jacketed hardback. The boxed edition comes in a collector’s case, and the book is bound in leather instead of cloth.

  • 出售! Quick View

    Organisation Book of the NSDAP

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    原价为:£ 788.33。当前价格为:£ 630.66。 添加到购物车

    The “Organisationsbuch der NSDAP” (Organisation Book of the NSDAP) is a detailed manual on the structure and functions of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP).

  • 图书


    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 33.11 添加到购物车

    大卫·欧文 (David Irving) 的调查小说《西科尔斯基将军之死》揭开了二战的神秘面纱。本书深入探究波兰最关键的人物之一、波兰流亡政府总理瓦迪斯瓦夫·西科尔斯基将军的神秘死亡,他在 1943 年直布罗陀的一次飞机失事中英年早逝,引发了数十年的猜测和阴谋论。

  • 图书

    Exclusive Pre-Publication: Churchill’s War, Volume III: The Sundered Dream

    评分 0(满分 5 分
    £ 62.08 立即预订

    David Irving’s long-awaited conclusion to the ‘Churchill’s War’ series, ‘The Sundered Dream’, is now available for pre-order at a special price. This final volume, a culmination of over thirty years of meticulous research, delves into the tumultuous tenure of Britain’s half-American Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. It sheds light on his contentious decisions, the uneasy relationship with his ministers, and controversial actions during WWII.