Invio del libro
Compila il modulo sottostante per inviare il tuo lavoro al nostro team editoriale. Ti contatteranno dopo la revisione del tuo invio. Il processo di revisione richiede in genere 4-6 settimane. Assicurati che le versioni elettroniche del tuo manoscritto completo siano inviate come un singolo file anziché in capitoli separati.
At Irving Books, we are always eager to discover new voices and share compelling stories. We invite submissions from both emerging and established authors who are looking to make a mark in the literary world.
Submit Online
Use our online form to send your manuscript directly to our editorial team. This method is highly recommended for a swift and efficient review process.
By Email
If you prefer, you can also submit your work via email. Please include a synopsis and the complete manuscript in your submission to:
[email protected]
Manuscript Guidelines
For your submission, please ensure you include the following:
- A synopsis and the complete manuscript.
- Total word count.
- The genre and intended audience.
- Your name and contact information.
- Any relevant background information about the author.
All materials should be sent in a single Word document or PDF file.
Electronic Version
Please consolidate your manuscript into a single file. We prefer Microsoft Word format, using 12pt Times New Roman font. The entire document should not be split into separate files for each chapter.
Upon receipt of your submission, it will be evaluated by our editorial team for content, thematic relevance, and suitability for our catalog. Should your work align with our publishing goals, we may extend an offer of publication, detailing the terms and potential next steps.
Electronic Version
Please consolidate your manuscript into a single file. We prefer Microsoft Word format, using 12pt Times New Roman font. The entire document should not be split into separate files for each chapter.
Upon receipt of your submission, it will be evaluated by our editorial team for content, thematic relevance, and suitability for our catalog. Should your work align with our publishing goals, we may extend an offer of publication, detailing the terms and potential next steps.
"La storia è come un albero in continuo cambiamento."
Davide Irving
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