Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle, born into a Belgian family in 1906, emerged as a notable newspaper editor and leader of the militant, monarchist, and anticommunist Parti Rexiste. During the German occupation of Belgium in World War II, Degrelle and his followers joined the Wehrmacht-organized Walloon Legion to support the liberation efforts in the Soviet Republics. He rallied around 6,000 volunteers during the war for the Wehrmacht and later the Waffen-SS, though fewer than a third survived the conflict. Known for their extreme bravery and fierce combat prowess, Degrelle himself was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves for his valour.
After Berlin’s fall, Degrelle executed a daring escape to Spain, where he found refuge under Franco’s regime. Despite being sentenced to death in absentia by his home country for his wartime alliances, he spent his remaining years in Spain, unrepentant and continually engaged in anti-communist and pan-European activities, eluding several attempts on his life through extradition, kidnapping, or assassination.
Płonące dusze to poruszająca eksploracja doświadczeń wojennych Degrelle'a, łącząca poezję z pamiętnikiem. Dzieło to zagłębia się w jego wczesne życie, wstrząsające bitwy na rosyjskich stepach i głębokie duchowe wyzwania, jakie te doświadczenia stawiały. Degrelle oferuje wgląd w konieczność pełnego oddania i poświęcenia dla wyższych ideałów, co jego zdaniem jest niezbędne do walki z duchową pustką czasów współczesnych.
This reflective and powerful work in English, provides a unique window into the soul of one of the most controversial figures of the 20th century.
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