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Le chemin de la guerre : l'Allemagne hitlérienne 1933-1939

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The War Path: Hitler's Germany 1933-1939 est une magnifique réimpression Focal Point d'un classique de David Irving.

Du 3 février 1933, lorsqu'il fit part en secret à ses généraux de son ambition ultime d'envahir et de conquérir l'Est, jusqu'au 3 septembre 1939, lorsqu'il quitta la Chancellerie de Berlin pour le front polonais, Adolf Hitler avait un objectif obsessionnel : mener guerre et parvenir à la vengeance et à l'hégémonie allemandes.

Les entretiens exclusifs de David Irving avec l'état-major d'Hitler et l'utilisation de documents de première main originaux et inédits l'ont amené à rechercher des documents et de la correspondance à travers l'Europe.

UGS : SKU175141 Catégories : , , , Marque :
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The War Path: Hitler's Germany 1933-1939 est une magnifique réimpression Focal Point d'un classique de David Irving.

328 pages, and 27 pages of b/w illustrations, many never seen before

From the third of February 1933, when he told his generals in secret of his ultimate ambition to invade and conquer the East, to the third of September 1939, when he left the Berlin Chancellery for the Polish front, Adolf Hitler had one obsessive goal – to wage war and achieve German revenge and hegemony.

It was, as the world knows, to be a war that would leave forty million dead, lay waste most of Europe and half of Asia, and destroy the Third Reich.

As he did in his celebrated and controversial Hitler’s War, David Irving sets forth the events from behind Hitler’s desk, as it were, in order to see and understand each episode through his eyes. His use of original and unpublished firsthand material has led him across Europe in search of documents and correspondence.

As a result, he rewards his readers with a fuller picture of both the political preparation for the war and the intricate network of personal relationships on which Hitler’s Reich eventually foundered. He uncovered extensive records of wiretaps made on British and French embassies in Berlin during 1938-39.

In his assiduous detective work, he also located the private papers of Weizsäcker, Ribbentrop’s state secretary, and the diaries of Walther Hewel, Ribbentrop’s liaison with Hitler. Many pages of photographs from private collections provide new views of Hitler and those who surrounded him.

Thus, drawing from the journals and letters of Hitler’s subordinates, Irving creates an immediate and authentic atmosphere. As a result, what have previously seemed inexplicable actions on Hitler’s part are illuminated and new light is shed on Nazi Germany in the six years before the war.

“The reader is gripped at once, because the writer is so obviously in his element; he is there.” The War Path is an engrossing narrative history. It is essential to the understanding of our turbulent century and of a man who changed history as we know it.” London Times

The War Path is the prelude to the brilliant, wilful and ingenious Hitler’s War. The new book covers the main events of Hitler’s career from his accession to power to the British and French declarations of war six and a half years later. . . Irving has lost none of his skill in delivering the cautionary punch where he knows it will most hurt.” — Michael Ratcliffe, The Times, London.

304 pages.

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Poids 0.90718474 kg



Avis (3)

3 avis pour The War Path: Hitler’s Germany 1933-1939

  1. Avatar de kathylu141@gmail.com

    [email protected]

    I almost didn’t buy this because Hitler’s War Millennium Edition includes The War Path, and I already had Hitler’s War Millennium Edition. I bought The War Path separately anyway, and I’m glad I did. My favorite chapter, Extreme Unction, which contains Hitler’s views on religion, is shorter in the Hitler’s War version and leaves out what I think are the best parts. I discovered this by accident when I got into a discussion about Hitler’s religious beliefs. I grabbed Hitler’s War off my shelf instead of The War Path and found that my favorite parts were missing. I haven’t compared the other chapters.

  2. Avatar de hj123wwoop@twc.com

    [email protected]

    This is the first book of David Irving’s that I read and it is wonderful. This short fast moving book is a great book. I told my wife after reading this book. “I think I have finally found a author that is telling the truth about WW2 and the Germans.

  3. Avatar de Najeeb Nasir

    Najeeb Nasir (client confirmé)

    An amazing book on Hitler and Germany’s perspective of pre WW2 David Irving doesn’t shy away from showing Hitlers True BAD SIDE and GOOD SIDE
    Hitler did indeed want lebensraum cause food crisis occuring from population increase would be prevent but this was only for Ukraine and he was sacking the economy in 1938 onward cause his military spending was far too much and was destroying his own national socialist policies
    Everything else however he was not guilty the British constantly broke their end of the deals and wanted to stop germany but never made it clear to Hitler as too why???? Halifax saying that if Germany gurentees a limited re armament they will give African colonies even from France
    This is shocking even Hitler himself wondered how britian could make France be a dog for them something truly sinister
    A big takeaway is without jochim von ribbontrop no expansion would be possible and Hitler denying his final suggestion to work with Chamberlain for Danzig anf working with stalin was a huge loss
    An amazing history

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